Friday 25 September 2009


Talking about diapers can be really boring.

One of the things that we have been discussing about for the past months is whether or not to use disposable diapers or the washables ones.

Plently of pros and cons. One of the main draws for me to use the washable ones is that they are more gentle on the baby's bottoms. No nasty nappy rashes. Or at least, less of those nasties. A study has also shown that babies who wore washable diapers toilet train faster than those on disposables. Washables are more cost effective but disposables are hassle free.

Some say washables are more green since they disposables do not biodegrade and thus take up precious space in landfills. To me, washables aren't exactly all that green since you got to use quite a bit of water to wash those soiled ones. In the case of Singapore, we don't really have that many landfills, we incinerate most of our waste and from incinerating, we get heat that is used to generate steam in boilers. The steam then drives steam turbines coupled to generators to produce electricity. The non-incinerable stuff and the ashes from the incinerated waste are then tipped into a landfill somewhere in Tuas. See, there is waste to fill up landfills lah!

So the greenest choice? G diapers. I found it online while surfing one day, you use these like you would a disposable diaper, but the fabulous thing about it is that you can toss it in the toilet bowl and flush it away! It is totally biodegradable! If you do not want to flush it down, you are use it as compost! COMPOST! Can you beat that? I can't find anywhere in Singapore selling it sadly. Plus it is pretty expensive. Going green will not harm the earth, but the damage on your wallet is another thing.

So have we decided? Sort of. We have decided to give both disposable and washable a go. In the day and during short outings, baby will be in washables, at night when she is sleeping, on longer outings she will be in disposables. We are going to get the trail pack from bum wear and see how we like it.

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