Wednesday 21 January 2009

Rory Breaker

"If you hold back anything, I'll kill ya. If you bend the truth or I think your bending the truth, I'll kill ya. If you forget anything I'll kill ya. In fact, you're gonna have to work very hard to stay alive, Nick. Now do you understand everything I've said? Because if you don't, I'll kill ya."

Midweek Nonsense

"Will I melt if I drink tea?"

wonders the Victorian sponge cake.


I didn't know that my wardrobe is this colourful until I stood at my kitchen window and saw this..........

I hardly have any blacks. I have 2 dresses in black, and the rest are in colours. Black is convenient and I do wear the same dresses over and over again to weddings and parties. I am not the kind to shop for a new dress just because I have another wedding to attend. I would be broke by then! The coloured dresses are mostly casual.

I have a couple of t shirts in black. I have a few pairs of black pants. I have a pair of fuchsia pants. Can you beat that? I do not own any black skirts now that I think about it.

Wait a minute... yes, I do own a black skirt!

I love colours. Colours make me happy. My favourites are green and yellow. I love white too, but technically is isn't a colour is it? My love of colours go beyond my wardrobe. I have my walls painted in blue, brown and purple. Funny how I chose purple since it is one of my least favourite colours. I am tempted in turning the brown wall to fuchsia!

It is said that one's favourite colours reveal a lot about a person. So what does my favourites say about me?Green lovers are great listeners, have the ability to put themselves in other people's shoes. They are kind and generous but they are prone to jealousy and love to gossip! People who has a preference for the colour yellow are often optimists. They are also creative and intelligent and imaginative and are often perfectionists, but they can be really lazy. So is it true? Yes, it is pretty true. Not too sure about the creative and intelligent part though.


Does this look like a miniature model to you?

I am trying to fake a tilt and shift fake miniature model shot. I suppose I am not very good at faking it with photo editing, so I suppose I should let my wallet bleed a little and get a tilt and shift lens!

The Botanic Gardens

Took this when we went for a walk in the Botanical Gardens a couple of weeks ago with my hand phone. Despite having been to the gardens numerous times, I have never gone there to seriously take photos.I told myself that I will be back on a weekday morning to take photos with my camera. That didn't happen. I told myself I will go out to take some shots. That didn't happen. Told myself to take some self portraits at home. That too, didn't happen.


Because I am too caught up with spring cleaning that's why! And also, because I am lazy lah!

Martha is my Homeboy

It takes someone close to me to know that I will appreciate a tee shirt like that.

Friday 9 January 2009

Chinese New Year

is upon us! There is hardly a break in between the festivities this time round. I have barely recover from the madness that is Christmas and in 2 weeks it is Chinese New Year.

Time flies. The older you get, the faster time seems to pass. I suppose, it is because the older we get, a year becomes a smaller percentage of our entire lives. A year is 100 percent to a one year old, 10 per cent to a 10 year old. Just 3.33 percent to a 30 year old. No wonder 2008 past me so fast!

In the next two weeks, it will be spring cleaning time. Cleaning windows, washing the curtains, getting red packets ready. Get The Husband a new shirt or two. Alter The Husband's 2 pairs of new pants. Buy mandarins. Line the kitchen shelves. Plenty plenty to do! But it is a good kind of busy. I love the rush and madness of festivities. Even the last minute shopping, even when I say how much I hate it, in some ways, I kinda enjoy it too. There is something different during festivities, something very positive. It makes me feel optimistic, like there are plenty of things worthy to look forward to. Times like this, remind me how blessed I am, and how much love I have around me. I look forward to the gambling too. Somehow, it is one of the few chinese traditions that I will observe for the rest of the chinese new years that have yet to come.


is finally buying my KitchenAid mixer!

After mulling over the decision to get one for YEARS, I finally bought it!

Elaine has the Pro, but that is Elaine we are taking about. The one who made me swear that I will safe keep her french cookie recipe. The one who we forced to make us biscottis. The one who makes the fantastic chocolate torte. The one who bakes and cooks for the rest of us.

So I am more than happy to settle with an Artisan.

I haven't use it yet, thinking about using it next week. I want to attempt making some pineapple tarts. Yes, I am very excited about it, but the virgin bake cannot be rushed. I will put more thought into it first. I think cakes will have to wait, until I can my digital scale.



This is what I have left since the start of the 700 budget.

Not too bad eh? This evening, I will go out and buy me me (slightly) pricey cereal to award myself.

Hey, I want to live life, not purely just exist you know.

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Cool things

Animal chess.

Synchronised fainting dogs.

Mars Attacks!

Fruit Cakes.

Peanut butter.


Piri piri sauce.

Milk pans.


Yet Con.

Elaine's biscottis



Tea parties.

Theme parties.

Home made hot chocolate with mashmellows.

Dick Bruna.

Victorian sponge cake.

Cocktail sausages with pineapple.

Punch Bowl.

Boston terriers.

My best friends.

My family. (the coolest!)

The Husband.

Saturday 3 January 2009


This is the 3rd day since starting the $700 budget program. Guess what? I have spent over a hundred dollars already. Most of the stuff that I bought were groceries and toiletries. I think I will not survive past January.


Thursday 1 January 2009


Do not Do list for 2009
  • I will not worry too much. Over worrying is exhausting and a big waste of time.

  • I will not tire myself out with doing too much house chores.

  • I will not waste my time on negative people.

  • I will not let other people's problems affect me.

  • I will not sweat the small stuff.
  • I will stop trying to please everyone.
  • I will stop fearing so much.
  • I will not keep my 'nice' clothes for occasions anymore. I will wear them everywhere, all the time.
  • I will not being so critical of myself.
  • I will not be so paranoid.