Tuesday 8 September 2009

Day at the Spa

Happiness is a day spent at Spa Botanica with The Husband.

He knows rather well that I didn't want to spend or splurge that kinda money. I have been having aches here and there for a while now. Some days it can be pretty bad, some days, not too bad. Some nights, it is hard to fall asleep because of the aches. Some nights I get aches because I sleep on my side for too long, with the tummy putting a strain on the lower back.

This is his second time buying me a spa package to surprise me. The first time was just after we moved in and I had aches from moving and cleaning the whole house. He wasn't helping out a lot, so he might have felt some guilt! HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, I think he didn't like to see me in pain. It was just before the wedding too so it was a perfect present.
This time was special, because he went with me. We spent the entire day at the spa, me getting a massage, a pedicure and a facial. He even went for a hydro therapy himself! We swam, he used the gym, we had fun at the free form pool and we had a nice lunch. We topped it off with a dip in the jacuzzi. He had a go in a steam bath while I had my treatments. Time sure passed really fast when you are having a good time. We were there at 11am and left at 530pm! I fell asleep when I had my massage, I even fell asleep when I was getting my toes done. It was really that relaxing. Being so relaxed and calm, it was wonderful to feel The Little One kicked and moved during the treatments. That made the day even more special.

It was a really really good Sunday. I do feel very loved and blissfully contented.

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