Tuesday 15 September 2009

Bangkok Day 2

Shopping is not something that I do really well. Unless I have tonnes to spend, it will be a totally different story. I didn't know going into Naraya can be so much fun. HAHAHAHA!

I almost died in Platinum Mall. If it wasn't for my sister, I wouldn't even be in that place. I am surprised my dad was actually pretty patient throughout the whole Platinum Mall episode and so was The Husband! It wasn't all the bad, we were pretty early and the crowd wasn't in til much later. When it got crowded it was almost as unbearable as Chatuchak market. That said, even I bought some stuff. Not really for myself, more for The Little One. The clothes are so cheap. Less than 3 bucks for a set of clothes! Less than 10 bucks for a dress! How not to stock up you tell me?

I am still smiling in this picture because we just started with the shopping in Platinum Mall. I wasn't looking half as enthusiatic when we were leaving.

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