Wednesday 30 September 2009

2 More Months

We have 2 more months to go before the baby pops. Very fast hor?

I wonder how much our daily lives will change. Do parents stop having a life after the baby comes along? Will everything revolves around the baby? Will we still be able to sneak away for a few hours for a movie? Would baby affect our holiday destinations? Are we not allowed to swear anymore after baby comes along? Is it possible to still have dinners with friends?

We certainly will have to make some changes to our current lifestyle and give up late nights almost altogether. Sacrifices, I think is what we call those inconveniences. I am happy and very much willing to give up some stuff. I call them happy sacrifices. I can't wait for her to come to this world and as the day draws nearer, the wait seems longer.

Actually I was really optimistic when we sat down at a cafe not too long ago and I said "We can always bring her along when we have coffee, she will just sleep in her stroller what." I really wish it will be that easy and I will be one hell of a gung ho mother who brings her baby everywhere. The Husband is more garang, thinking of bringing her to Hokkaido in February! I gave him the youreallythinkitisthateasyhuh look. I told him, Penang in January first for a buddy's wedding then we will even think about attempting any flight longer than 2 hours. Besides, Hokkaido is freaking below zero in February!

I once said to The Husband, "Eh, don't be offended or hurt, but it is hard for me to think about travelling with just you. Every time I think about doing things or travelling, it always seem to have the baby in the picture now." He smiled and was glad to hear that. Now, everywhere we go, we would be like. "Next time can bring her along" or "Next time we can do this with her too" Of course we will drop The Little One with my mum or his mum on some nights so we can have a quiet dinner together and then a movie. As for now, anything longer than a movie and a dinner and drinks, seems to long to be away from her. My mum did mention a few times, that she will take care of The Little One for us if we want to go on a holiday. It isn't that I do not trust her (more like my siblings) it is just separation anxiety that I am already feeling. As exaggerating as it sounds, it is exactly what I think I will feel. She is not here yet and I already know I will suffer from it. I suppose I have not come face to face with her incessant crying and tantrums. Maybe then will I be glad to leave her behind.

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