Tuesday 27 October 2009

Not Enough Time

I realised that I have just another month before I pop and Christmas is just 2 months away! Now I am really starting to feel that I have not enough time to get everything that I want done. I hope Kinokuniya comes up with the 20% sale soon! I really need to get my hands on some books.

Gotta start on the Christmas cards.

Gotta do more Christmas shopping. I think I have a feeling I will be buying a few items online. Especially for the Christmas party and maybe some gifts.

Gotta start packing that hospital bag soon. I hate having to think about it all the time. Pack it now and I can just ignore it til I need it.

Gotta start washing up those few milk bottles soon too. I hope to be breastfeeding exclusively, so I don't think I need them, but JUST IN CASE. I decided to get a economical manual breast pump since I will be around The Little One almost 24/7. No need for expensive electric ones. Those make me feel like a cow anyway.

Gotta get the windows clean soon. They are really getting very filthy.

Gotta sort out my recipes soon too. They are scattered all over the place. Need to compile them into one neat file or book.

Gotta put up the Christmas tree soon. She will be welcome back home with a tree greeting her. Not like she will know what is going on anyway. It just makes me feel that bit happier.

Gotta remind The Husband to call up the private cord blood bank before it is too late.

Whatever books that are still here with me, I will try to return all of them to my friend. It has been 2 years. Gosh, and some of them are still sitting in my storeroom. My friend has a book collection to rival the National Library.

Squeeze in some more dinners or teas with my closest friends before I pop. I don't think I will see them too much, as often as I like in the near future.

Gotta send Em some Japan-related links.

So much to do, as soon as we know it, The festivities will die down a little and Chinese New Year will be upon us!

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