Since I had some time on my hands before meeting a few friends for dinner, I hopped over to the new Ion, wanting to try the takoyaki everybody is raving about. The queue is too long, and I decided to pass it. I walked pass the stall and saw...

I stood in my tracks for a few seconds, not believing my luck. I had these little babies 2 years ago in Kyoto, and I never stop thinking about it since! It is really yummy. I bought a roll to bring home and decided to get a roll sand to eat on the spot. It is still as fine as the last one I had in Arashiyama. I was grinning as I ate, with the Matcha ditty playing in my head. I am a happy pregger :)

The roll that I bought on Monday is still pretty much intact. I am amazed how disciplined I am, not eating even a teeny bit of it til today. See, even the box is so nice. Truth is, I prefer the roll sand. I think the almond flakes and the caramel does it for me. Still, this is nice, the sponge is oh so oh so soft. I wonder how the Japanese make the sponge so soft. I can't resist but make myself some tea to go with the cake.
Life can be so good when it is so simple.
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