Actually, I have snuck into this cinema once. It was for Philadelphia. Before they started showing all these sleazy movies. That was way back when I was still underage. I have snuck into Lido a few of times too. Still remember the films - Birdcage, Shawshank Redemption and An Interview with a Vampire. I might have watched Adventures of Priscilla - Queen of the Desert too. I knew I watched it, can't remember if I was under 21 though.
I must had looked old for my age. Sigh.
I went with a friend and we were giggling like crazy when we got in. We told ourselves that we need to act and behave 'mature'. We dressed 'mature' too. (Since then, I am still trying to be a mature person.) It was hilarious. When we were in the cinema, we commented that, hey, how come adults don't eat popcorn one ha? They are so quiet before the movie hor, never talk one? We felt that we stuck out like sore thumbs, and half the time, expecting someone to point us out as underage viewers and that we would be thrown out by the ushers. Thankfully, that never happened. After that, the checking became more strict and I never tried until I was of the legal age.
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