Friday 12 December 2008

The Pastry Chef

There isn't much food porn in this book. There aren't a lot of glossy pages. You need to approach this book not too much like a recipe book or everyday cookbook. Not like a I am hungrywhattocooknow book. It is more of a reference book.

I need to prepare myself to read it. It is pretty text heavy, and can get a little dry, if looking at nice photos of food is what you want. It explains how some food works together that way, and how some react the way they react. why you need this in this pastry and why you don't. What is this and what is that. Once you get into the groove of the book, it is pretty interesting.

Don't be mistaken, it has a lot of recipes. I tried the short crust pastry, it is pretty good, albeit a little on the rich side. But was the best among 3 that I tested.

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