Wednesday 17 December 2008

Photography and Reading

I have the answer.

I would choose reading over photography. My love for reading outweigh my love for photography.

I pondered over this question for a while. Ultimately, I would go back to my first love - Reading. It has provided me with many many hours of pleasure and many happy memories. I remembered ordering a book when I was still in primary school and got it delivered to our home. My mum wasn't feeling too fantastic about it. HAHAHAHAHA, especially when she didn't know I ordered it 2 weeks ago in school. It was $25! What was I to do? It was the holidays, and I will be bored without any new books to read! I remembered my mum buying new Enid Blytons now and then. I couldn't wait to dive into them. Most of the stories I read were about fairies and gnomes and elves and all those magical things. It was a form of escapism for me, being able to take myself to a faraway land. I wished I kept those books instead of giving them to my cousins!

I get upset, I get happy, sometimes, I can't put down a book. Most times I start with one, finished it and then go on to another book. There were a couple of times when I attempted to read more than one at the same time simply because I couldn't possibly wait to start or that I have hit a dry spot in the first book and needed something fresh to keep me going.

I get stuck in Kinokunoya for hours, just browsing the fiction section. Yes, to me, that is also another form of escapism.

Thinking about the books and all the reading that I have done, it is hard to give it up. I just picked up a camera not too long ago. As much as I enjoyed photography thoroughly, it will never be able to provide me with the same sense of enjoyment I derived from reading. I never 'escaped' with photography and everybody needs to escape once in while right?

I can be contented just being a point-and-shoot person. (Not like I am doing a lot of difference other than pointing and shooting anyway) Never will I be contented not being able to read another book again.

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