A friend gave me 5 photos of the 4 different seasons that he took in Edinburgh. He took all those in the same year. There are 2 photos taken in fall and I guess it is because he loves autumn. I can't recall what he said precisely, but he loves it because it was moody and melancholic in some way. I have those 5 photos framed and now, the frame is hanging just above my study table, albeit a little crooked.
Right here in Singapore, we don't have the 4 seasons, just 2. Rainy and sunny. When it rains in Singapore it pours. The weather is getting a little too unpredictable lately. The sky would be sunny and then turned a marvelous shade of bluish grey next. I said marvelous because I love the colour grey so much now... anyway, back to the story. I would always expect it to rain after that, but no, it decides to hold all the rain in. On sunny days, it just pours down unexpectedly. There are times when it rain for days, that usually happens in December.
I love the rain, so I am not complaining too much. I like the smell of rain, how cool it feels and how it cools downs the place. I love the pitter patter on the window panes and when the cars go swishing past a wet road.
If there is anything that I do not like about the rain (apart from it being a pain to do laundry), it would be being in a car. It gets me nervous, especially when it pours down heavily. You have got to concentrate a lot harder and be extra careful. So tiring! Yah, I don't drive, but I still do look out for the driver, who usually happens to be my husband. The stupidity of some drivers is beyond me. Why do drivers speed in the wet? Why do people tailgate in the wet? Why do drivers cut out of their lanes unexpectedly in the wet? Why do some drivers not have their headlights on in a storm? Why do all these drivers have their brains stuck up their asses?
When it gets hot in Singapore, it burns! Hot and humid, the eco warrior in us will be conveniently forgotten for a while as we crank up the air conditioning. We would run into malls like bats to caves never to come out till the sun is down.I must admit, I cannot live without my air conditioning when it comes to my bedtime. We had only sIept without it turned on just once. It was raining and twas pretty cool, so it wasn't so uncomfortable, but still, I was a little bothered and warm. I don't fancy having it on in the day when I am home, I still prefer my good old ceiling fans and a good cold shower will bring instant relief!
I love spring, tis my favourite season. It is the beginning of new life with vibrant colours. I would think of walking in gardens in nice nice dresses and bare feet. It is as if you can even smell the dew too!
I like autumn too. It seems to be a winding down season after a harsh hot summer. The trees will be in its full autumn colours glory. red, brown, orange, yellow and gold. There is a tinge of beautiful sadness always accompanying fall. Maybe with all that colours, it reminds me too, of the end of some things. Like what my friend said, the melancholy of fall is what makes it beautiful.
Summer. I think of watermelon eating competition, I think of the nice late afternoon sun on my face, and how relentlessly long the days can be. Everything seems to be so nice and cheery. How we can all take a chill pill, relax and dress down!
Winter. Ah, I don't like the cold so much. As much as I can't stand the heat in Singapore, I would rather it be warm than cold. Have you ever thought about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)? I have a feeling that I am pretty susceptible to that. There are things I like about it though. Like snuggling up on a nice comfy couch with a book and hot cocoa, how everything looks when it is covered with a blanket of snow. Winter's got to be my least favourite season. And I really do hate piling on the clothes and besides wearing fur will get you splattered with blood or get a dead animal corpse thrown at you by the good old folks from PETA!
1 comment:
When I was living in Perth, I always looked forward to Autumn. It's my favourite season too. It's a welcome relief to be out of Summer with the blistering sun and the nasty flies. It is the prelude to the wet showers that arrive with Winter and the shorter day.
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