Monday 5 May 2008

Life's Single Certainty

Once in a while, I get reminded about how fragile we all are, how we are going to all die one day. It forces me to face my own mortality. What have I done in my life, have I done enough? What could I do to make it better? Have I make enough time for everyone who are important to me? Have I truly appreciated what has been always been around me?

Are people who are less afraid of life, less afraid of death?

Facing mortality has got me to make healthier choices. I am eating healthier, getting more active. I stay healthy not just for myself, also for people around me. It has reminded me to live the only life that I will ever have fully. I will stop spending my time and energy on things and people who aren't that important to me. I will stop to smell the flowers on my way home. I will stop fretting about getting wrinkles and pigment spots. I will start saving more. I will learn to relax when I have chores that need to be done. It is alright that my flat is not spanking clean like my mother's.

I have written a review of my life. It has all the significant moments, moments that shaped my life, changed my life, regrets, people I loved, things I loved, changes that I want to make, things that I will not changed. The stupid things that I have done, the clever things that I have done. Sadly, stupid things outweigh the clever things by a ton. It took me two days. I learn a lot about myself that way. There isn't much that you can do about your past, but there is much more that you can do with the present and future.

So what would you do from now til then?

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