I remember going to the this small little library in Whampoa drive when I was young. It is situated just below a block. It was tiny, but more than enough for me to keep going back every few days or so. Sigh, I had so many books back then. I regretted giving away my Enid Blytons, I loved them to bits. My mum sometimes will surprise me with one of those Enid Blyton books. I think I never stop liking fairies, gnomes and elves and all things magical. In primary school, I subscribed to Bookworm Club, and had 2 magazines sent monthly. One was Bookworm Digest, and the other, which title I have unfortunately forgotten. I thumbed through the Straits Times too. We didn't used to have newspaper subscriptions, sometimes Mum would send me down to the mamak store to get a copy it. I might not read any of it really, but I love just flipping through. I can't do without the papers now. Even when the writing's pretty bad at times. At least, my thumbs and fingers are not blackened by the papers now.
Reading was something that I never got tired of. I read vivaciously when I was younger, I would read even during lessons. I think that explains my dismal results in all subjects except English. Reading transports me to another place and I will be in a whole different world on my own. Once I get absorbed into a book, I will be lost in it for hours and sometimes through the night. I get happy, I get sad, I laughed and I cried. It is hard for others to completely understand the joy of reading.
I used to just read fiction. Starting with teen fiction and then bestsellers. Soon I got bored with trashy novels and bestsellers are not entirely all to my taste. I started reading the classics. I started with the "easier" ones like Sherlock Holmes and Dracula and proceed to the "tougher" ones. As I got older, I included non fiction too. One of my firsts was How to be Happy by Andrew Matthews. That book was hilarious. Most of my non fiction books are recipe books, travel guides and a couple of biographies here and there. I have one of Margaret Thatcher somewhere. Now I can see my history books collection getting bigger. History can be interesting and less daunting outside the classroom!
My new love for now are hobby books! I love love sewing books, they are so pretty! I love Japanese ones, really really nice, but ALAS, I can't understand. I almost bought one, but luckily my good sense took over. If not, I might end up buying a few. So irresistible! Recipe books are so yummy looking. Makes me hungry every time I look at one that has gorgeous photographs. I detest cook books with minimal or no photos.

I am still deciding if I should buy this Martha Stewart book. Okay, I know that this is not a hobby book per se, but I love cleaning! Hard to believe that, but I do! I am born to be a housekeeper, though not exactly a very good one. It is ginormous, with a ginormous price tag to boot. Does Amazon ship to Singapore? I should check that out, might turn out cheaper that way. I believe that this book will serve me well in my quest for domestic goddess-ness. But, really, $80 is so so dear for a book on housekeeping! I should go through it one more time and see if I really really really need the book . I know it is Martha Stewart, and I hate to admit this, but I love her! Hee hee!

I have Sew U, a book on sewing (stating the obvious here) for beginners, complete with a couple of sewing patterns. Everytime I try to read the book, I get sleepy, like it is some kind of antidote for insomnia. All that technical talk is getting to me. Maybe getting sewing lessons will be easier. I shoud have more faith in myself, I can do this! I do in fact have another book on sewing. Tis called Simple Sewing, and really, it is simple. I have done a few projects already, and that has been pretty encouraging. I just, well need to learn how to sew in a straighter line, all my lines seem so crooked!

Lastly, a book from the domestic goddess herself, Nigella Lawson. Recently I borrowed one of her books, aptly titled How to Be a Domestic Goddess. I tried out one of the recipes, and it turned out well! She makes baking a lot less tedious too. I will try another recipe and if it turns out great, I will get my hands on that book. Her new book looks good too, Nigella Express. Fast, simple, no sweat recipes.
Somehow, I think I am just buying because they are books, with gorgeous pictures. I still have space on my shelves left to buy books! So why not? It is an addiction that I am proud to say, is under control. The last new book was a month ago! I haven't been to a book warehouse sale for a while now. I can't go to one alone. I need to go with my husband. This is the way I buy books during a warehouse sale: First, look for a basket, if there are no baskets, grab a box. First section will be the Cook book section. Crossing my fingers, I hope to find something great. I found a Gordon Ramsey book once going for just seven dollars! I will then hop over to non fiction, then to Travel, lastly to fiction. The box will then be pushed with my feet as I go along. The husband will probably be in some cafe having coffee, wishing that his wife will be done soon.
It is terrible I know, but at least it is a somewhat healthy addiction.
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