Wednesday 17 August 2011

Shoe Crazy

Evidence that she is our little girl? She is mad about shoes! She will pick out her shoes when we go out. If that isn't enough, she tells me which pair to wear. She comments on our shoes and she is really really happy when we go to a shoe store. The last time I brought her shoe shopping, I tried out a pair on her, she will walk to the mirror and look at her shoes, with a very silly grin and oh so pleased with herself expression on her face.

My husband must be so proud.

To take her shoe obssession to another level, she has recently taken to taking photos of her shoes with my phone.

She used to share shoe space with me, now she has so many pairs, we have to dedicate some space just for her. Yes, she has her own shoe space now.

It is partly our fault really.

1 comment:

The Sleeping Dragon said...

Epic! She's starting really young on this...and even know how to take photos herself, too. Amazing. What a doll!