Wednesday 17 August 2011

Big Sister

We went to the nearby neighbourhood mall this afternoon just to get out of the house for a while, and I suggested that we pick up a present for the little sister. I couldn't go any further even if I want to. I can't, at least not on my own. She spotted some stuffed toy rabbits from a new push cart. She had 2 of those rabbits and seem to like them quite a bit, over the other stuffed toys that she has. I got her one and suggested that we pick one for her little sister. We came back wrapped it up and decorate it with stickers!

She seem to be warming up to the little sister thing. I don't think she fully understands. And I am expecting her to raise hell once meimei comes back home and nurse like the milk monster that the jiejie once was.

I found out why she gave up nursing recently. I was teasing her and ask her if she wants to nurse. She shook her head and said nope, and I asked her why. She said "Mama pain"


I did tell her that it hurt quite a bit when she was nursing when I am expecting. I didn't expect her to give it up because of that. Moments like this makes me feel that it is all worth it. She surprised us recently too, by allowing Papa to carry her around more. She has been clingy and refusing the father to carry her. But just 2 days ago, every time we park the car, she will say "Mama tired, Papa carry V" She does walk on her own and now at least, she isn't totally rejecting her pram! She understands that I couldn't carry her as much as I used to. I am glad, and in a way, I feel bad that I can't.

She has indeed "grown up" quite a bit in the past few weeks!

1 comment:

The Sleeping Dragon said... heart-warming! :)