Thursday 8 April 2010


I have been exclusively breastfeeding The Little One since Day 1. It has been a decision made not when I found out that I was pregnant, but many years ago. Breastfeeding to me, is one of the most beautiful things on this planet. I get a little teary when I nursed her in the earlier days. These days, I still smile and it makes me feel happy and content.

I read all I could about it, trying to prepare myself. At the same time, I kept telling myself that it is alright if I, for any reasons wasn't able to nurse her. Of course I know that I will be hugely disappointed if I couldn't.

The first 2 weeks were really tough. The Little One latched on perfectly since the first time. We were the lucky ones, a lot of mums and their babies had to practise for a while. I had to cope with really sore and cracked nipples. Making nursing really painful, so painful in fact, I would rather get labour pains over having a hungry baby nursing on my sore and cracked nipples. She drank like she is constantly hungry in those 2 weeks. That was tough, waking up every one and a half hour just to nurse her. I was so tired and sleep deprived that I cried a few times. Right from the start, I told The Husband, no matter what happened, he would have to be supportive and encouraging, never ever tell me that we have to switch to formula. He was indeed very supportive and encouraging, but seeing me in such a bad shape, he did mention a few times that maybe we could feed her formula in the night. I stubbornly stuck to my guns, (stubborn-ness is a good trait!) and was I glad when the soreness went away and more glad when the growth spurt passed and she starts to sleep through the night! I never thought I would say this, but having 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a row is pure pure heaven!

So why am I so insistent? Because breast milk is the best milk for your baby! Let me try to list all the benefits...

Antibodies are passed from mother to her child, helping the child fight off infections. Also. breast milk changes to suit the needs of your baby. Pretty amazing ain't it?

It is easily digested, so it is gentle on your baby's gut and digestive system.

It is free!

I need not have to sterilise bottles, which I find troublesome. The few times that I had to, I cursed and was rather pissy while I was sterilising the bottles.

There isn't a need to "prepare". As much as I was really dead tired when I had to wake up to nurse her, I couldn't imagine waking up, walking to the kitchen, prepare the milk, make sure the milk is of right temperature before offering it to the baby. I just, er, whip it out! Hahahaha. Some more these days, I nurse her lying down and we both will drift to sleep!

I have to have a balanced diet. I can't skip my meals, so in a way, it is a good thing right. I have to cut down on caffeine though, so all my coffee is decaf, and I plan my tea consumption around her meal times. So, just after I nurse her will I have a cuppa. Ditto with alcohol, not having more than a glass at a time.

With a varied diet, baby gets different flavours, so hopefully - fingers crossed - she wouldn't be a picky eater next time.

Some studies have shown that breastfeeding lowers risk of breast cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases!

So how not to breastfeed if you are able to????????

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