Ueno Park.

You know you have arrived at Tsukiji when you see sushi adverts in the train station. There are some signs pointing you the way there too. The station nearest to the market smells fishy too. It could be my heightened sense of smell now, I don't know. But The Husband commented that his Red Wings smells like Tsukiji when we were sitting down at Ueno Park. Ewwwww....
We went to Tsukiji the last time we went to Tokyo and I just thought we needed to go back there again. The Husband loves sashimi and it is the best place to have it, soaking in the market atmosphere, walking around looking at what people are selling. I love markets, it appeals to the inner auntie in me. While walking around, we found this small little shop selling huge fresh oysters. I told The Husband, "You have got to try one of those!" He of course gladly did, and man, he loved it. I wonder how he manage to gulp it down in such record time, I didn't even had time to take a good shot and he had the whole thing in his mouth already. We bought some pickles because The Husband is a pickle fanatic. You see, he is Teochew after all.
We ordered 2 sushi sets and since I can't really take the raw ones, I took the cooked ones like the unagi and the tamago and he finished the rest. I must admit, I took the amebi because I really can't resist and I took those maguro maki sushi. I didn't have any otoro or chu toro. ARGH! There were plenty of small little stalls to choose from. Next time, we will try those. We stick to those bigger stalls and ended up in Sushizanmai. I wasn't going to risk eating in those dingy ones now, though it could be pretty atmospheric.
What better way to end a very hearty lunch than a coffee? There are some coffee shops around the market. Like a lot of shops there, it was small. We had to squeeze in a little corner, obviously made for the Japanese and not for us giants. I didn't care, I was suffering from a little food coma and all I want to do is sit for a little while before heading to Ueno.
Resting our feet in a teahouse just opposite of Omote Sando Hills. While flipping Monocle last night, The Husband told me "eh, the Monocle office is is Omote Sando Hills leh." if I had known, I may just hang around and see if I can spot Nakata. Hee hee...
We didn't do much on this day, just walking from Harajuku to er, Aoyama, shopping a little here and there for gifts. We had some good ramen and had no more space for Maisen's tonkatsu. Another time then...
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