Wednesday 7 March 2007

I feel the Earth move

literally, under my feet. ( Really, is there another way of feeling the earth move)

By now, everyone knows about the 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia that stuck close to the city of Padang this morning. The last I heard, about 70 have lost their lives. There is so much talk about this one, not for the number on the scale, but because this time, apparently plenty of us felt it.

I felt it once, i remember it was close to noon, and I was on my bad, and suddenly the bed started to shake. I thought I was having a really bad bout of giddiness. But the keys to my drawers were swinging quite obviously. That was when i knew there was a quake somewhere. That was when I felt a a significant amount of sadness. Knowing that people are dying at that very moment (of no fault of theirs.) makes me sad.

It is the circle of life. I know that, I ain't running away from death. I mean, yes, death is something that I still find hard to cope with. I hate to face it, but that doesn't mean that I will go running away when it happens.
You just can't control feelings can you? I felt really down for awhile. Sometimes, when there is so much tragedy and misery around, the best one can do is be the best person they can to everyone else. I know it sounds like a cliche, and yes very naive sounding, but why contribute to all that? Why can't we be better people for others? It takes very little effort everyday. Remember your THANK YOUS and HELLOS. Most times, we forget about the people we meet everyday. The bus drivers, the stall helpers at the food court, the pantry aunties, the person cleans your neighbourhood, colleagues.

Just a few kind words, nothing too much. You never know how many people you can touch.
Yeah, I am such an idealist.

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