Still a newborn. I miss her being so tiny sometimes. On her tummy during tummy time. She didn't like tummy time too much.
First time in the baby carrier. She struggled and cried a lot when we tried putting her in. She must be about 4 months old already. Bearing some weight on her legs.

Sitting on her own. Crawling finally at 8 months. I didn't think she would. She didn't show any interest at all. She only wanted us to hold her so that she could 'walk' on her own. One fine evening, she decided to surprise us by crawling.
When she could pull up on her 2 feet, she would climb up our pillows almost every time we put her on our bed. She is reaching for the remote. Cruising in the zoo.

Still cruising, a bit better. Walking finally!

Taking her shower.
I watched her rolled over, smile, laugh, giggle, pull herself to a sitting position, pull herself up to stand, babble, cut teeth, crawl, and walk! All in a year! There are plenty more that she has accomplished, but I can't possibly list everything. Well okay.. I will list a few more. She has graduated from taking baths in the baby tub to standing up having showers instead. I also learnt that her tantrums are of diva proportions. She understands more than I think she does.

We took 2 trips this year. A road trip to Penang and a trip to Taipei. This baby is made to travel! She was her usual bubbly self and more.
She was in a baby gym class for 3 months. She was more interested in doing her own thang than doing what the teacher wants her to. She enjoyed herself and it was great to have kids of her age around. This poor girl doesn't have any friends of her age!
This is how she thank me when I try to give her puree. Mess up and have a great mush fest. Most of it ends up on her, the table and the floor. Sometimes when I tried feeding her baby food or purees, she made a horrible face, gag and spit it right out, as if it was the most yucky thing she had ever tasted in her whole life. (Maybe that is true). She has finally finally begin eating more solids. If I didn't know about baby led weaning, I would totally be lost when she rejected the puree I wanted to feed her when she was 6 months old.
We had some renovation done to the flat. Added more cabinets and shelves. A baby does take up a lot of space.
I have been married for 4 years! We had a very good dinner at St Pierre, with a lot of good food and too much good wine! Still wondering if I should take a photo of the bill and shock the living daylights out of everyone. It sobered me up alright.
I do not know how much motherhood has changed me. I can tell you though, that it has made me really really happy. I love being a mum. I can remember a lot of the happy times I spent with her, and the not too happy ones, I can't really remember. My life revolves pretty much around her. I don't have time to do much else. This year, I will try to squeeze in more me time. My books are screaming out for some attention. I will pick up my camera more too. Yes, and I will get part time help more often to help with the chores.
2011 will be great!
1 comment:
Sounds great! Nice post, Boo. Happy New Year to you too!
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