Monday 6 September 2010

The Little One hears a lot of 'no' from us these days. There have been people who believe in not using that word a lot. But really, how can you not use that word??????????? Babies must learn the word! They must know what it means and they need boundaries! I don't think that it is all too negative a word at all. It is one of the first few words that she understands (but not necessarily obeys it.

No, please don't put that in your mouth. No playing with the cord! No playing with our hand phones. No, don't pick up stuff on the ground and put it in your mouth! No, don't tear up my book.

So what should a mighty curious 91/2 month old to do? We can't possibly say no to everything. It will frustrate the hell out of her, and I do fear that it might curb her curiosity. So we pick our battles, no to electrical cords, yes to messing up our CD collection. No to hand phones but she can play with the remotes, even if she throws them all over. No to the books but she can tear up some old magazines to her little heart's content. I do let her try killing a couple of her own books too. Heck, we even let her crawl outside if it isn't too dirty. Just need to wash or wipe her hands soon as she is done.

Just few days ago, she started to shake her head like us when we said no. That girl is really imitating our moves now. Gotta be careful, I wouldn't want her giving people the finger too soon. She knows that there are things that she can't do, so she will look at you with that look, checking with you if it is okay. Now, she might just shake her head even before we gave her the NO. Cute!

1 comment:

The Sleeping Dragon said...

I had to laugh at your "her giving people the finger" statement. ;)