Sunday 10 May 2009

New Toy

The Husband bought me a Mother's Day/Birthday/Anniversary/Christmas/next CNY/next V day pressie!
It is very very chio.
It is very very sexy.
It is the Panasonic Lumix LX 3.
I am in love!

This shot comes from the LX3. Unedited. Cool right? So nice, the auto function is very shiok. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

Will go out with this camera tomorrow and take more photos. Let me get this straight though, I am not abandoning my 350D. No, that will still be my first 'serious' camera. It is the first that The Husband bought for me to encourage me to get into the hobby a little more seriously. Yah, I am expecting him to be buying me more cameras or at least accessories for years and years to come. He got me into this so he needs to be responsible! Photography is an expensive hobby! A DSLR breeds want!

There is a strong sentimental attachment to that camera and I will still be taking it out for walkabouts. This LX3 will be for parties, travels and gatherings. There are certainly times when I do not need to be lugging around a heavy camera.