These little berries are natives of West Africa. What these things can do is incredible.The berry rewires the way the palate perceives sour flavors for an hour or so, rendering lemons as sweet as candy. They make vinegar taste like apple juice and Guinness with lime sherbet taste like chocolate shake .
The cause of the reaction is a protein called miraculin, which binds with the taste buds and acts as a sweetness inducer when it comes in contact with acids, according to a scientist who has studied the fruit, Linda Bartoshuk at the University of Florida’s Center for Smell and Taste. Dr. Bartoshuk said she did not know of any dangers associated with eating miracle fruit.
There are people organising flavour tripping parities. Guests will each eat a berry and then go on tasting different kinds of foods. From fruits to tabasco, maple syrup, radishes, dark beer, coffee, radishes, cheeses and vinegar. The effect of the fruit is known to last for about 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on what you eat.
There was an attempt to commercially make these berries into sugar substitutes in USA but that attempt failed. The berry would have been ideal for diabetics! I can see this fruit being the next big fad soon!
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