My cupboard is embarrassingly bare. I only have a can of tuna and a can of Campbell's soup. I do have a packet of ready made paneer. You see, I have a paneer obsession. Those little cottage cheese things are impossible not to love! I was telling the husbands the other night that if a war breaks out, we will be the first to starve to death. I am uncomfortable having too many packets of instant noodles in the cupboard. Instant noodles are bad! But we need to take everything in moderation, even moderation itself. Those wise words uttered by Confucius (or was it Buddha?) Off I set off to get some store cupboard staples to filled up our empty shelves. I got some instant noodles (got to get over that fear) and then more soups and tuna. I bought some olives, and some gherkins ( I am the queen of excessiveness. It is not enough for me to just open a can of tuna and spread it on my toast. I need to add my own chilli, gherkins, onions and olives. Bonuses will be tomatoes and lettuce.) I did buy some canned tomato sauces, for easy breezy pasta sauces on lazy days.

Suddenly my shelves look positively happy looking. The little basket at the bottom left holds my bread, most of the time, I tried to buy brown, wholemeal or multi-grains. Nothing beats white bread sometimes.In that basket I have some nuts and dried fruits. Those are healthy snacks and sometimes I add those into my cereals. The bigger yellow basket on the right contains all the yummy and not necessarily healthy stuff. That is the guilt box. I have Pepperidge Farm Milano chocolate biscuits, mini jelly babies from Marks and Spencer (they were on discount! How couldn't I?), a packet of green apple sweets given by my aunt, I have some leftover lotus seeds from HCMC, and the sugar "soda piah". Those are great for dunking into coffee! Now you know why those things needs to be "contained".

I have 2 types of peanut butter, the creamy one and the crunchy one. Oh, there is some golden syrup that I use instead of maple syrup. I can't find good maple syrup! and a red wine jam. Apart from that, I have a lot of jams in the fridge too! Too many bottles just for 2 persons. A bottle of raspberry, apricot, strawberry and marmalade. The bottle of raspberry was left over from making a trifle for christmas. Yikes, half a year already! I checked the jam, not moldy yet and the expiry date is still quite a while away. Marmalade and strawberry I will always have and CMC kaya too. I get my supply from my brother these days I think the apricot is for the husband, I am not too sure about that one. Lurpak butter is such a luxury to have these days. A 250g block is now $5.60! I don't mind eating President, which is over $4 now I think. I think Echire butter will have to wait for now. I can't imagine how much that will cost now. That is a sometime luxury item to have in the fridge. Adore it absolutely with toast and scones!
I may not have a lot of canned food, what I do have a lot of are sauces. I have mirin, miso, yuzu, Worcestershire, at least 3 kinds of vinegar, pesto (home made!), all kinds the chinese sauces imaginable, fish sauce, dark soya, light soya and sweet soya sauces, chilli and tomato sauces, apple sauce, mustard, cooking wine, olive oil, extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil, next I will get my hands on truffle oil soon! I need to scale down on that. I am slowly using up some. I will not put up a picture of my sauces, as I will be too embarrassed by the sheer amount that I have. I would rather, happily live my saucy life in denial.
Did I mention that I am the queen of excessiveness?