Tuesday 25 March 2008

I have got the Blues

I have been feeling somewhat blue of late. It started with the week of constant rain, when the sky was a perpetual pewter grey, and the nights chilly. Could it be a case of SAD? Could it be my hormones? (Women blame tonnes of problems on their hormones.) I can't really point my finger at anything in particular. Maybe it was the the NYC trip that fell through. Damn the stupid Chan Brother's agent making the dumb mistake! Perhaps, it is an accumulation of happenings.

I do get the blues once in a while, the last time was quite a while back, thank goodness it has become so irregular now, with the "attacks" happening less and less frequently. It was really bad 2 weeks ago. I get teary all of the sudden and I have this compulsion to call a loved one just to hear his or her voice, hoping that it would comfort me a little. I held back, not wanting them to hear the crack in my voice and getting all worried about me. I went out with friends, hoping that it would perk me up, didn't help much. I tried going out and do a spot of retail therapy, nothing interest me enough for me to get anything. I wanted to write about it when it happened, but that would have come out sounding like I was in dire straits. I knew that it was a matter of time that I will feel better and I did eventually. It used to last for months sometimes, weeks if I was lucky, or just a couple of days. It doesn't bother me much now thankfully.

I have so much that I want to write about, it is time to do some catch up. I have been reading back on past entries, and gosh! My writing has not been improving as much as I hoped. I used to write better when I was in school. I guess practice makes perfect. I should read more and write more. I am reading What a Carve Up! again to help me laugh more. That book is hilarious! Perfect for driving the blues away!

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