Reading the article in Sunday Times 2 weeks ago left me a little amused. Singaporean ladies being all high maintenance and all.
Yah, that article that got so many people talking.
Handbags are very much a part of a woman's look. A handbag is an accessory, as important as shoes. Handbags are very intimate things, they carry personal stuff. So why the hell would any woman want their boyfriends or husbands carrying their handbags?
Apart from looking like the ass-whipped men that they are, why would any sane woman not want to carry their own Chanel handbags? Isn't it part of the outfit? Most women match their bags with the outfits they choose to wear, so why get someone else to carry it? Even if a
Birkin weighs a ton and if I do have one (well, eventually... ) I will still carry it myself even if my arms start to ache and will continue to ache for the next week. HELLO, it is a
BIRKIN!!!! Really how heavy can a handbag be that you need your man to carry it for you? How much does a lipstick, a mirror, some tissue, a wallet, maybe some female hygiene products and an
iPod weigh?????? Perhaps the traditionalist in me just want my man to look like a man, no weak excuse of a man, whom some passes of as a SNAG. SNAGS are so many many thousands of seasons ago people! SNAGS are more passe than
I like my husband to hold doors for me, in fact I like it when other men hold doors for me. I feel happy that male chivalry is not totally dead yet. That there are still nice polite men around. But I for one never demanded someone to open the car door for me. So strange. Unless it is the doorman of some hotel when I get out of a car in a hotel lobby. Imagine, you in a car, and your date/husband/boyfriend has just parked the car, do you wait in the car while he gets out, walks over to your side and opens the door for you? In those seconds, do you just seat in the car, wait and try to look pretty? And what next, when he opens the door? Must he offer his hand to you to help you get out of the seat? If he does not will you get upset? It is not like you are heavily pregnant with quadruplets! Isn't that a little old fashion? I somehow fail to see any romance or chivalry in this one.
And then there is the classic
whopaysforwhat during a date. I do, for one expect the man to pick up the bill. At least for dinner. I would offer to pay for something else later. Like movie tickets or drinks. I always feel that it makes everyone feel a little more comfortable. Besides paying for something makes you look like the generous person that you are, and not some
hoity toity bitch who thinks too highly of herself. I don't expect the man to pay for everything, but I will not fight to pay for dinner because it might get some ego being bruised. Trust me on this, I have been told.He can start paying for everything as soon as he becomes your husband. That is what I am doing right now, but that is a different story for another day..... If the date insisted on splitting up the bill, that is not a good sign, and I suggest that you not go on another date with someone as stingy as this. There is no hint of any gentleman in him. DITCH HIM PRONTO.
Maybe we ladies should lighten up a little, not take ourselves too seriously and have more fun. We really ought to give those men a break. It is no wonder so many of them are heading elsewhere to get them a wife!