Wednesday 5 July 2006

Making Home

Now, getting a place of our own is the easy peasy part. Making it a home, now, that is a tricky one! It starts with getting quotations with contractors, meeting with interior designers (they are a huge waste of me precious time!), space planning yadda yadda.. you get my drift. Looking for that person whom we are going to trust with our 5 room resale flat is tough! I guess, after actually having some sort of an idea what we kind of look we want for our home, it was easier talking to the contractors.

We agreed on getting a contractor instead of an interior designer since we both think that most interior designers are a bunch of horseshit, who just wants to turn our home looking like some boring chelate that we are see from local interior magazines. The "condo" look, whatever that means... We have gone through enough local interior design home decor mags to know that we can't trust going to an interior design firm. I actually fell in love with this kitchen I saw in Oprah Home magazine. Beat that! The kitchen is designed by Nate Berkus, gosh, I LOVE THAT GUY! So we will adapt the colours and all to fit into our kitchen.
Best source of ideas actually came from the library. I borrowed quite a few from the library, poured through numerous... Plenty talk about themes, Zen, Scandinavian, Modern, Resort, Beach, East Coast, West Coast, Urban, Country.....

What is with the themes?? I hate having a theme! A lot of people asked me what the theme of my place is going to be. Well, I always have no answer for that. I guess we want the place to be "US". Things that will say that is so them! or her or him! we want the place to speak back to us. I want to be reading one day and be distracted by a piece of furniture or wall colour and smile because it reminds me of my husband or myself or the both of us. I guess I am a romantic in that way. That is why I have no problems buying second hand bags and vintage items, I like the thought of the item having a little history of its own. I would wonder about where it may have been, who may have owned it..


Oh yes, we want the place to be adaptable as well. Like a great place to lounge, have a party, have an intimate night in, or a casual family gathering. so things have to be able to be moved around easily, so more weird partitions, wall features(so tacky!) and no no water features! We may be asthetists but we practical people too!
All these do get to us sometimes, and we end up not really enjoying our everyday life as much as we used to, mainly from thinking about the design and who to do the flat. I do catch myself smiling, thinking about how fantastic it would be after the place has been done up. The kitchen disasters, the first night in, the constant cleaning, the progress of seeing the flat being done up a little each day, the packing and unpacking of our stuff... and the furniture buying!

I am so looking forward to the day it is finally done. For now, I will be going back to looking through the quotations again.....

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