Wednesday 12 July 2006

The Dining Table

I have been spending quite a lot of time just talking to my mum lately. That is one of the things that I will miss home when I moved out. I would miss sitting round the dining table with a few of the people dearest to me, talking about nothing and everything all at once. Sigh, just thinking about it makes me miss that already!
The thought of not being at home to have reunion dinner next year makes me kinda sad in a way.. Not that I am not looking forward to having my first reunion dinner with the Boos, just well, it is not the same... I will miss the constant chaos in the kitchen, the chattering, the noise my silly siblings make, aunty Amy coming into the kitchen not helping at all and making loads of comments that were not helpful at all.

HAHAHAHAHA! Going to the market in hougang with my mum to buy flowers, crabs and all.Having the stamboat dinner we always have every year with roast chicken from Far East Chicken Rice from Ubi. Then after, some gambling on the same old dining table, always us winning and my dad always losing, just to keep us happy.

I didn't know that this year was going to be my last year, so I didn't take any pictures at all! ARGHHHHH!!!!! If I knew.... I would have taken dozens!

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