Violet was feeling fine until 3 hours before the flight to Bali. She vomited twice. Once in the morning and again before lunch. We had to rush her to a clinic and found out that she probably had stomach flu. ARGH! 3 hours before the flight and we are told that she has stomach flu. Needless to say she was whiny on the plane and whiny on the first few days. She whined during meal times, she whined when I asked her to take her showers. Whined when I tried to get her out of the villa pool. She whined when I asked her to sleep. It didn't help that it was really hot and humid everywhere we went in Bali. I tried to keep my cool and gave her a little more leeway since she was not feeling too well.
Finally on the 3rd day I gave her a huge dressing down. Frankly I was very pissed off with the way she treats her father sometimes. She bullies him all the bleeding time! She goes to him when she needs a play mate and when she doesn't, she rejects him totally! I hate that! I blew my top and gave her her biggest dressing down ever. That worked. She was less whiny on the last 2 days.
The younger one did better than expected. She slept through the entire flight. She was fine and happy, if a little bothered by the weather. She seems to be more of a homebody, a creature of comfort who craves familiarity. I was worried that she would miss her cot or home. Much to my surprise she was fine and happy! I am glad I plonked down $80 for the foldable tub and lug it with me to Bali. She loved her baths and it is good that she was able to enjoy her favourite soaks in her tub even in Bali. I can't imagine trying to bathe her in the bath tub. Not only are babies slippery little things, I am paranoid about the cleanliness of the tub!
As for us, we didn't get to really relax and do nothing. I was pretty much going back and forth attending to my 2 children. I did get about 20 minutes by the pool reading and basking in the warm late afternoon sun while they were napping. Wished it happened more often though.
Travelling with young kids is very tiring. Would I do it again? As it is, I am planning our next couple of trips already. Am I nuts? Yes!( And I never learn ) But nothing, absolutely nothing is more satisfying to see than seeing your kids taking in all the new experiences with such dewy eyed innocence and unjadedness that I wish I possess. Besides I am a glutton for punishment.
1 comment:
Kudos for your bravery in lugging two little kids out for a vacation! I barely can handle one! :)
Whiney and dressing down...sometimes, that's what they need to put them in place. haha!! Kids.
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