Friday 13 January 2012

Saffron is 3.5 months old

She is 3.5 months already. How time flies! She is a really smiley baby. She smiled early, since she was 2 weeks old. Of course I put it down to gas the first few times she smiled. Every time we smiled and talk to her, she would smile back. It can't be coincidence right! She smiles when she just wake up, smiles when she is tired, smiles when her sister is playing near her, smiles when I change her diaper in the early hours of the day. As much as she is smiley, she was a cry baby too. She has some powerful lungs and she wouldn't hesitate to remind me on a daily basis.

Unlike her elder sis who allowed just about anyone to carry her when she was a baby, as long as she was being carried, she didn't care who the carrier was. Not this girl. Nope, she is pretty much the baby koala and I am the mama koala. She is fine with her father, but not all the time. Good news is, she is slowly warming up to her extended family. Yay for me!

She sleeps pretty well. Sleeps at least 6 hours at night without waking up since she was a month old. After 2 years, I was able to get a good length of uninterrupted sleep! Can't say that she naps well now.

She loves her baths just like her sister. :)

She coos and giggles quite a lot these days, especially when someone is talking to her. Oh and she is in her cot looking at her mobile.

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