Then I spent the rest of the day being paranoid that the baby might just pop out any time, because my doctor said that since I have dilated 3cm, when I start to feel any pains might be a late. I would had like to wait another day so that the birth date would be the same as my grandma's, then I started seeing images of me giving birth in the car. Yikes! No Epidural!
The next day after admission, my doctor came over and burst my water bag. Before bursting, she checked and announced that I have dilated 4cm. Almost halfway there! I promptly ask for the epidural after that. The first time, I had labour pains for an entire night for The Husband slept and snored. This time, I didn't want any pain. The anaesthetist who was about to administer the epidural, noted some spots on my body and said that I might had something (for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.) that might pose a risk if I had epidural. So they drew some blood and got it send for testing. I crossed my fingers and hoped that I didn't have what he said I had. Fortunately, I didn't have what he suspected what I had and so I got my epidural. The long needle that went into my spine was the most pain I felt for the entire birth. The last time I didn't feel it as much, probably because I was already in quite a bit of pain.This time, I used up pretty much of the epidural. I had itches on my tummy, a side effect of the epidural and close to the birth, I started to have shivers.
The nurse checked me a few times, and just after 12 noon, the nurse checked again and I had dilated 9cm, she started to prepare the stuff needed, got me to do a push to see if I was ready and called my doctor. All along, I didn't have any pains, just shivers that were getting worse. This time, it was all calm. Just my doctor, a nurse, my husband and me. Pushed a few times, and the baby was out! That left me wondering why was it so different the last time where I had like an army in there with me. Was it because I was too close to pushing and nothing was prepared??? I didn't remember much the last time since all the auntie nurses were so kan cheong.
But man oh man, if everything before the baby arrived was all nice and zen, it ended after the baby arrived. That little girl of mine sure has some fine lungs! She cried and cried and cried she did! They put her on me the moment she came out and didn't stop crying til I put her to my breast! I didn't know newborns are that hungry. V was mewing away like a little kitten and was contented to just be held. Not this one, this one came out really hungry. But I am happy, at least I didn't feel any pain at all!
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