Saturday 14 May 2011

The Terrible Twos

The phase that everyone feared has started.

I do hope that it doesn't last too long. She has been very negative lately. Everything is no. Even when she is fussing and crying, and I asked her if she wants me to console her, she would still say no. She is bossy and authoritative. She will tell you who will push her around in the supermarket trolley, who carries her, pushes her stroller, feed her, what colours you can use when you are colouring alongside with her. Yes, she wants a say in very single damn thing now.

Reversed psychology seems to work. I will just tell her, please don't do this, please don't do that, when what I really meant was for her to do just that. She will flash me a grin and do what I tell her not to do. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder how long more will this trick work.

I am close to really smacking her on her butt.

Sometimes, when I am not too tired, it isn't too trying. I can even laugh at her tantrums, although I know I should take those seriously, and to her, it isn't a laughing matter.

Will continue to write more if this post doesn't disappear like the last 2 posts.

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