Sunday 17 October 2010

When She was 10 Months Old

She is talking a lot more these days, babbling in some strange language that manages to sound European and Indian at the same time.

She continues to imitate us, I have lost count of the things that is can do, some of the cutest would be her trying to do twinkle twinkle little stars and trying her very best to whistle. Hilarious! She loves music, all kinds, showing quite a strong preference for dance music and unfortunately, Barney and Hi-five.

She is still refusing solids. Only opening her mouth to whipped cream and ice cream. She allows a few tiny spoonfuls of porridge and that's it. If she is in a good mood, she will polish off a small tub of yoghurt. She still loves her milk and I am still nursing her, any hope of dropping any milk feeds soon seems plain unrealistic now. Her adventures with solids warrants one whole blog entry. So much that I want to write about.

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