She has started to wave goodbye just last week! One of the more exciting stuff she has done lately. She started signs of waving a while back, raising her arm but not waving. Just last Friday, we were at my friend's place for some coffee and tea and when we left, she started waving! She didn't stop waving, waving at the cars passing, the trees, the traffic lights, everything. Even when I got her down for a feed, she was still waving. I don't think she knows exactly what it means yet. Now she seems to want to mouth the word "bye". First it sounded something like b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b... then there were a few times that it really sounded like 'bye'. Very happy indeed!
Very little thing she does, just make me so happy.
Unless it involves her trying to scratch people's faces! There was once when she got frustrated and went for her father's face, pulling off his glasses. He of course, scolded her, and she wailed. Loudly. She refused to even look at him after that! Time to really start disciplining her! I told her in quite a firm tone about something that she shouldn't be doing, she look at me for a second and then scratched my face really hard. She did it with intention. She thought about it for a second before she did it. I slapped her hand and gave her a stern talking to. Of course she wasn't too pleased and started crying. She had done that one my mum and my sister in law. Every time it happened I will scold her. Hopefully she will do that scratching soon. Hopefully it is just a phase and it will pass soon.
She is beginning to imitate us quite a bit. When we raise the blanket and play peekaboo, she would do the same too. She tilts her head when we tilt ours. Before, she just tilts her head, especially when she is curious about something.

She has started to climbed and stand on her pram. She doesn't like to sit in it too long. She would very much prefer to stand (which is of course, pretty dangerous) or have us carry her (very heavy, she is 10 kilograms already!).
The older she gets, the more interactive and playful she is! I can't wait for her to start walking on her own!
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