Wednesday 11 November 2009

Sunny Side Up

After the second last visit to the ob-gyn, we found out that the placenta has moved up. Which is a YAY! because that means I do not need to have a c-section as of now. Trouble now is, baby is facing up, which means I will have a harder and more pain labour if she doesn't turn and face down when it is her time to come out. We read up about it and found out that it has a cute name. This position is called the sunny side up!

We chose our delivery package too. Quite late don't you think? Most people would have got that sorted way way before. I wonder why that never did cross our minds.

Now, all I want is a nice tea session with The Husband before she comes along! I hope she can wait til after this weekend if she decides to come out sooner.

1 comment:

Himmat Singh said...

Hey nice blog here...if ya gt time visit me too k...thnx!