My ob-
gyn said The Little One is doing pretty good, judging from the reading from the
CTG. She was sleeping in the beginning when I was lying on my bed, then the nurse asked me to lie on my back and she started to move more. She isn't too active in the day, more active in the night, especially after midnight.
Yah, she is like us, a night bird :)
The doctor asked us if we wanted to induce in the event that she doesn't come out before her due date. We aren't prepared for that question, we always think that it will just happen eventually. We asked for her opinion and she recommended that we go for the induction since the baby is healthy and ready and The Dad is so anxious. I know The Husband had wanted to tell the doctor if we could just go back the next day for the delivery! What is another week of waiting when we have already waited for 8 plus months?????!!!!!!!!
The optimal stay in the uterus for the baby is about 40 weeks, any longer isn't too ideal. Of course I would want her to come out when she is ready, it is the most natural isn't it? After 40 weeks, the aging placenta may not be the best for the baby, moreover, the baby may start to inhale fecal waste which may get to its lungs and that is a bad bad thing to happen. Oh, and the baby will have another week to grow a little bigger and that will make delivery more tedious.
So, if she doesn't come out before next Tuesday, she will be induced on that day! I do hope she hangs in there til then!