Thursday 23 April 2009


Did anyone else noticed?

Last night at about 11pm, there were sudden strong gusts of wind just outside our flat. The Husband and I were both in the study, with the air con switched on, since it has been a awfully hot day. I heard some noise and thought that the rain had came in suddenly.

We both looked out and saw the trees swaying pretty violently, with their leaves dropping and flying all over the place. For a moment it all seemed a little disconcerting and I was a little worried something worse will happen, like a typhoon or something, thanks to my very wild imagination. The moment only lasted seconds, and the next thing I did was ordered The Husband excitedly to grab the video camera. We are not born documentarians, so we didn't get anything that will show how strong the wind was last night. That and the fact that we are really lousy with the camera. So excited to witness such strong winds, we stood at the window for quite a while. The leaves looked amazing under the lights of the lamp posts.

We went out this morning for breakfast and my, the roads were filled will fallen leaves and broken branches. Some RC banners were all over the place too. I don't remember the last time in Singapore that the wind was this strong.

I told The Husband with a little smile, "this is just like in New Zealand!"


Anonymous said...

We were having ice cream in the hall ; mummy, regina, jillian and Me ! I went out to sit in the balcony! Damn shiok!

Boo! said...

Amazing isn't it the wind? I wanted to call mum and ask her if it is the same over there, didn't want to shock her with such a late call.

You guys so shiok hor, eat ice cream so late at night! Udders is it?????????????????