Friday 24 April 2009

Reasons to go Japan

The food!


Given the current situation, it is definately cheaper than Paris.

The ridiculous tv shows on tv. The ridiculous commercials on tv. When we are feeling peckish, we will just stroll to the nearest convenient store and pick up some noodles or onigiri.

Vending machines. We were drawn to these like those little flying insects are drawn to light.

The buzz of the city and the frentic pace.

The food malls in departmental stores.

The shopping, even if it is window shopping.

Japan is one of the safest places to be (earthquakes not withstanding), making travelling just that little more enjoyable.

The fact that both of us love Japan and that we always want to go back there again. So many other places yet to be explored.

SQ flies the A380 to Tokyo!

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