Sunday 6 July 2008

Hair Cut

I am itching for a hair cut. This is the longest I have gone without a hair cut for some time now. The weather's not helping too. I hate my hair. I look bad with hair that is long enough to reach below my ear.

In the past, when I am feeling down, I would go for a hair cut. I would feel a lot better after that. Of course it must be a great cut lah! It is way way better than retail therapy. I was stuck with my regular hair stylist for 12 years! That is some kind of hairdresser-client relationship don't you think? The first time I met Arthur was in the first Toni & Guy salon that was in Pacific Plaza. I was seventeen, just got into SHATEC. ( Now you know where all my allowance went ) I was really comfortable with him, he was funny and decent, and he was daring. He was one of the few back then who suggested chopping off alot off, ( actually he did not suggest, he just went on and chop it off ) leaving me enough hair to cover my scalp. I loved it. Moreover he doesn't use any off those barber shavers which I hate. I hate the buzzing sound coming out of that appliance. I feel like my ears are in danger of being clipped off, ala Holyfield. He doesn't recommend nonsense like colour, perm or treatment. None, unless I asked or if he thought it was a good idea.
So since 1997 I went to him constantly, straying just a few times. Every time I strayed I felt bad, and a lot of times when I strayed, I end up looking bad. So I would go back to him eventually. After a while being in Toni & Guy he decided, yeah, why not open my own salon? He did and I followed. It was a few months ago that he decided to fold up the business. It wasn't because he wasn't doing well, he felt that it was time to move on and do something else. He did mentioned that I could call him anytime for a house call. I can't do that, he should go ahead and do whatever he wants and we shall just remain friends.


I am left without a hair dresser. How how? It is hard for me to trust someone else after coming out from a relationship that lasted for more than a decade. It will take some time for me to learn to trust someone again. Sigh, it feels not unlike a marriage that has broke down suddenly and I am starting to date again. I am getting out of my comfort zone, having to know new people and start with all those ice breaking kinda conversations.. I do no know how long and how many bad hair cuts it will take until the next right one comes along.

I do not think I can stand it any longer. I DO need a hair cut. I want something short and blunt..That sounds like Toni & Guy again, but recently the hair dressers from the salon don't seem as well trained. I don't know, maybe I am just biased and un trusting. I go to Shunji a few times - yes I strayed to Shunji - but he is perpetually not available and I have to book him 2 weeks in advance. Yah, if Mr Shunji Matsuo is a bag, he will be a Birkin, waiting list damn long one!

So how? Should I or shouldn't I? I need a great hair dresser, anyone has anyone to recommend?

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