Wednesday 23 April 2008

No Pigs Tuesdays

A friend of mine has been vegetarian for about a month now. He did for some religious reasons. Sort of, but not really. He has inspired me to be one too. Plus the fact that we have numerous fresh spring rolls for dinner ( post HCMC hangover ), I think I had like 8 - it has further encouraged me to be one, at least a once-in-a-week vegetarian. The dinner left me feeling good, none of that queasy feeling I would have when I had a too oily or rich meal.

I had food coma though, from overeating. But that is besides the point.

It will be more like a lifestyle choice. I adore animals on their webbed feet, hooves, trotters as much as I love them on my dinner plate. I don't really feel sad for the animals that I consume, unless I see a suckling pig. It isn't for the love of animals, but for me to be a healthier person. I might pull my husband into it as well! I will still allow dairy products but no seafood.

Let's see how this will go and maybe I can slowly cut down on my meat intake. I can't totally cut that out, I love my meat too much! The vegetarian day will be on Tuesdays. Since I can't possibly want to be left out in all the glorious makaning action happening on the weekends!

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