I am glad that we had a separate dinner do for friends. Boy, did we have fun! The V Tearoom reception was fun too. I had a great time catching up with friends, it is great to see most of them at the wedding. How many times can you see all your friends at the same time anyway???
The solemnisation took place so quickly, I had no time to feel nervous about it. Happened so suddenly, one moment I was talking to a friend, the next moment, I was sitting at the table, with Mr Cheong, our JP reading out the vows, with both fathers sitting next to him. It felt really unreal, almost surreal... I think the next time I feel this way, is when Liverpool wins the league.... I always pictured myself being really solemn, all serious, no smiles. But, no, I had to steal glances at my friends and family, and sneaked and stifle a smile or two. It all went on pretty quickly, and after 5 minutes, we were married! Just like that!

The cakes were great! The Bailey's mudcake, the Cotton Walnut ( a personal fave, and they dun have it on the menu no more so i gotta order it! ) and the Mango Yogurt. I did not try the quiche though. In fact, I did not have much at all. Amy remembered I like English Toffee and bought me a cuppa, so sweet! They even have longans too! The V Tearoom thought about everything, I am so very touched! Have I mentioned the wedding cake! It was gorgeous! I did not expect them to dress it up so much for me! WHISKEY BARREL MUD WEDDING CAKE! How cool is that! Hahahahaha!
Seeing so many of my friends there, did put warmth in my heart. From that little affair, I do see clearly, who are so true to me. I do learn a little about some of them from that. sigh... I am blessed, I really do feel blessed, surrounded with so many loved ones.Yes guys, I love you so very much! It is a touching scene really. Everyone seems to be sincerely happy for us, and everyone enjoyed themselves, and that is what is important.
My dad made a few friends during dinner. Goodness, I should have know better than to put him next to the drinking people! He got a drink too many, and soon, he was the life of the party. Hahahaha! And I though it was OUR night. No complaints though, he made it so happening!
I never had so much fun in my life, I was a little overwhelmed by the whole thing, I started to tear when my family left. They are so much of my life, and they had been so kind to me and so so supportive, I can't ask for anything more. I love them to bits!
My brother and his friends did up the place for us, so I have to thank them for making that effort, and taking so much burden off me shoulders. It was beautiful!
It was no fancy affair, I was wearing a simple dress, but we had helluva fun didn't we??? I will not change anything about it at all. It was perfect. Even Liverpool is winning and scoring! What else can I ask for?
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