Thursday 28 September 2006

What a Loot!

Now that the renovation has come to an end, it was time to do some serious packing! That to my mum means clearing things she does not need. Off she went to the kitchen and out she came with plenty of stuff to give to me! There is a dining set that was given to her by my granny and now she passed them to me (sounds like some heirloom sia!). They are brown and oozes so much retro appeal. Totally cool! There are some glass bowls, glasses, baking dishes, a cake mixer, a blender and even a set of dinner knives that she bought from sell-a-vision years and years ago! I have packed most of the things that she is giving me, with the help of mum of course and my lovely brother... awwww, nice to have family eh???

Mums all have plenty of things in their kitchen that they do not use. I think when you become a mum, you just automatically becomes some kind of hoarder. I guess it is some sort of instinct. You just go on keeping, thinking that your family will need in in some time of their lives... I guess they are right. Look at my mum, those things do come in use after all! She just gives them to me! Don't you just love your mum????

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