Thursday 7 July 2011

New Bun in the Oven!

I am almost 7 months pregnant already!

And that is why there hasn't been many entries recently.

I am so tired. Being preggers with a active toddler who demands a lot of your attention is energy sapping. I have not much energy left after she goes to bed. It is a miracle that I can still try to keep the home in some kind of order. So... we have decided to hire a live-in domestic helper. I really do not see how I can cope with a newborn and a toddler and still juggle the housework. I have given this issue much thought, thinking about it and considering other options too. I really would love for someone to take the load of the chores off my back for the next 2 years. The next 2 years, I just want to concentrate on my family. To be there for them, to have fun with them, to teach them about everything, take them out for fun trips, do fun things together, laughing, basically just be there for every milestone. I don't want to be tired half the time when I am with them. I want to be well rested and ready for them. A tired parent isn't exactly the most fun person to be around you know.....

The new bun is another girl. So we do save tonnes on clothes! Plus, she can play with the same toys, most of them are barely touched, since the first one didn't take much interest in them. We would be using the old cot, which is also pretty new since the first one had since moved to a mattress. We only need to maybe a new bath tub and some newborn diapers and we are ready to go! Oh, I do intend to get the sleepy wrap! I really hope that is the last baby carrier that I am going to buy.

This pregnancy was thankfully as comfortable as the first one. Sure I do get feet cramps, and some back ache now, but no morning sickness, no reflux, no heartburn, nothing so bad that I cannot deal with. The hormones are a little out of whack at the moment, but I am sure that I will bounce back soon, I do get insomnia like the last time. Unfortunately, I can't sleep in like I could with the first. When the first one is up, I had to be up! I do nap with her, so no biggie.

I seem to be less paranoid this time round. Is it a case of been there done that? Or that I am too busy with such an active toddler that I have no time to think and be paranoid?


The Sleeping Dragon said...

7 months?! u're getting close! Congrats! :)

Boo! said...

Thank you! Too close in fact!