The day she turned 6 months old, I dished out one portion of the puree for her. She made a face, gagged and spat it out like it was the worst thing that she had ever tasted. (OK, that was the onlything she had ever tasted apart from my milk and a teaspoonful of cereal we gave her when she was 5 months old.) I wasn't too discouraged then, thinking that she needed some time to get used to taste and texture.
I tried again, and again and again. I tried them warm, I tried serving them cold. I tried giving her before milk, I tried after milk, I tried after just a little milk. EPIC FAIL. Then I got a little desperate and gave her store bought ones. Again, I tried warm, cold, sweet, savoury. ALL FAIL. I was getting a little disheartened. I tried porridge and then I tried cereal and yoghurt too. FAIL FAIL FAIL. She would take none of all those things. She didn't even want baby fruit juice, drinking only water instead. (Not that that is a bad thing.) Soon, she doesn't even open her mouth when a spoon came close. That was when I decided to go BLW way. Basically, it believes in letting baby lead the way when it comes to starting solids food. When baby is ready, baby will eat. It skips the entire process of purees and spoonfeeding, and instead, giving baby chunks of food and allowing baby to eat however much he chooses.
We didn't get much success initially. She played with her food a little then got bored and decided she had enough and wanted to be out of her high chair pronto. There were some stuff that she will eat more, like bananas and pasta and leafy vegetables. Sometimes she would take a little fish. More often than not, 10 mintues and she is done with eating.
It was until she turned 1 that she started to eat a lot more. Even allowing us to spoonfeed her a few spoonfuls now! She had her phases, right now she eats nothing but white rice, grilled unagi, cheese, soup, vegetables and fruits and. She starts her day with a little yoghurt. Sometimes she will take a bit of bread. She snacks on cheerios and she adores chocolate! We just found out that she loves iced milo! She has been rejecting meat for a while now, don't really know why. She loves her bak kwa and bacon though!
There are still days when she will eat little and days when she will eat a lot more. I try to trust her that she is getting in enough and not worry too much. That is so hard to do! Especially so now that she is an active toddler and losing her chubbiness. It makes me feel like she is not taking in enough. Got to constantly remind myself, children are healthier when they are not that chubby! Got to remind myself too, that as long as she is developing well, not losing weight, happy and contented, I really shouldn't be worrying so much.

No, not loving it.

There are days when she allow me to feed her some yoghurt. I allow her to play with the near empty tub.

Cream cheese.

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