Then she will protest harder and if you can see her little chubby leg in the second photo, pressing against one of the bars, trying to get out of the cot herself
If all the above fails, she will give you the puppy dog look, hoping that that will melt your heart and then you will pick her up.
She hates being confine in the cot. So we thought we let her sleep on a mattress on the floor instead. A little better, but i suppose she just like sleeping next to us. I slept on the mattress with her a few nights, and she was good, sleeping like how a baby should, but when she is alone on the mattress, she would cry a few times, asking for a comfort suckle.
Sigh I really have no clue how I can get her to sleep on her own. She just like to snuggle up next to me or the dad. Sigh...
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