Saturday 13 March 2010


The only shopping I do these days are grocery shopping and online shopping.

The scariest thing that should happen to me is that I remember my credit card details by heart. SHUDDERS!!!!!!

I am resisting buying stuff on J Crew. Argh.

I am resisting buying matching tees for me and my baby from Threadless. Hohohoho!

I am between sizes now, my maternity bottoms are so loose that I am swimming in them and I can't fit into my old stuff. The agony! I am so busy, it is hard to find time to squeeze in any exercise. Just look at the ungodly time I am blogging this.

My dream wallet that I have been eyeing forever cost more than my most expensive bag.

We went shopping last week because I am in dire need of some pants or skirts that don't threaten to slide off me ass. While shopping for myself, I looked at baby stuff too. Just can't help it lah!

It has been a year since I visited Antipodean. I fear that I would be depressed should I visit the store, find something that I really like and can't fit into it now.

I don't use my camera so often now, but I do want to get another prime lens.

I miss shoe shopping.

I miss book shopping more. I miss the hours I spent in Kinokuniya. Now, we are in and out of there in half and hour.

I now know where the nursing/baby rooms are in malls. Somehow these places didn't seem to exist before I had a baby.

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