Tuesday 29 December 2009

6 Weeks

The Little One is 6 weeks old already! That explains the lack of posts on this blog. It is hard to find time even for chores, let alone free time for myself. Things seem to be getting better now, as we become less clueless.

Time flies when you have a little newborn on your hands. No time for friends, no time for The Husband, no time for yourself. All I do these days is feed the Little One, bathe her, change her, play with her and put her to bed when she is tired. When she is sleeping, I will be squeezing in some chores. Like now, she is sleeping and I have time for an entry here! I am trying to ignore the clothes that are crying to be ironed and some laundry to be folded. I am also ignoring the mess in the tv room that is looking more like a baby room these days.

Things are getting better now. She sleeps pretty well at night, waking up just 2 times to feed. Compared to just a few weeks ago, she was nursing every hours. I was so tired I was crying. I think I am getting used to having my sleep broken, that I don't feel too shabby in the day. I can do well without any naps too. I do miss my nice sweet long stretches of sleep. I do not think I will ever take my sleep for granted again!

The Little One is growing so fast, she has put on 1.9 kg and grow an extra 5.5cm since she was born. Extra motivation to keep up with the breast feeding! I think I will miss her being so tiny, yet at the same time I can't wait for her to get bigger. She is looking at things and people with more interest. Being a girl, she is naturally more interactive with people, and she loves it when you talk to her. And being a girl, she loves the malls. She will lie in her stroller contently, taking in all the sights and sounds.

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