I have been deciding to get a compact to make travelling a lot hassle free and lighter. After lugging my dslr around for a few trips, I do long for a compact when I am just out enjoying myself, relaxing and not make it another photography expedition.
It is certainly very nice to have a dslr and a spare lens, tripod, extra lenses and a whole set of filters when you go on a scenic trip. It was great that I had my dlsr with me while in NZ and South Africa. Fantastic since we rented a car in NZ and was in a tour group in South Africa. Fantastic to have telephoto lens while on a safari and a whale watch trip. I lugged it to Japan too. That was the Canon 350d's maiden trip. Boy, let me tell you, it was really tiring, especially with so much walking. Really, I think I will be contended with a compact in Tokyo.
Will it compromise the quality of my photos? Certainly not, because my photos taken with the dslr is not too exciting anyway. It is a case of not the equipment that makes the difference, it is the user. I guess to me, taking out the dslr is more about indulging in my hobby, practise and try to be better. Not really about taking breathtaking photos during travels.
Anyway, I have been deciding between the LX3 and the G10. I have decided to not get the G10 because it is too bulky, and the reason for getting a compact in the first place was so that it was light and very portable - those slip into the handbag kinda portable. Just when I decided that it shall be the LX3, I thought about the DP1 or better still, the DP2.
So how? The Panasonic Lumix DMC LX3 or the Sigma DP1 or DP2?????
Both are sexy looking cameras. Both cost a lot of moola. SIGH. In a more serious comparison, the DP1 seems to have an edge over image quality, with a bigger sensor. It has a fixed focal length and that can be an issue, but it will force to me think harder about my shots. That is why I love my cheap prime lens so much now. So if I am looking for a point and shoot and am too lazy on a holiday to think about my shots, this camera will not be for me, but I like the fact that that I have to work a bit harder for some decent results.
The DP 1 has a maximum aperture of f4/, I really rather that the aperture be bigger and that is putting me slightly off. The LX3 on the other hand boast a 2.0 aperture. Now hear this..... the DP2 has a maximum aperture of f2.8! HOW NOW?
The DP1 has a focusing problems. ARGH!
The LX3 has only a maximum telephoto length of 60mm. I don't think I will be too bothered by this, since I will use it to point and shoot.
Great image quality
A bigger sensor
Fixed lens
So sllllllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwww
Aperture not wide enough
Fixed lens
Wide aperture
Better in low light
Fiddly buttons
Small zoom range
If I have to choose one now, it would be the LX3. But I am lusting for the DP1! I have to admit, the better image quality is a huge draw.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
Reasons to go Japan
The food!
Given the current situation, it is definately cheaper than Paris.
The ridiculous tv shows on tv. The ridiculous commercials on tv. When we are feeling peckish, we will just stroll to the nearest convenient store and pick up some noodles or onigiri.
Vending machines. We were drawn to these like those little flying insects are drawn to light.
The buzz of the city and the frentic pace.
The food malls in departmental stores.
The shopping, even if it is window shopping.
Japan is one of the safest places to be (earthquakes not withstanding), making travelling just that little more enjoyable.
The fact that both of us love Japan and that we always want to go back there again. So many other places yet to be explored.
SQ flies the A380 to Tokyo!
Given the current situation, it is definately cheaper than Paris.
The ridiculous tv shows on tv. The ridiculous commercials on tv. When we are feeling peckish, we will just stroll to the nearest convenient store and pick up some noodles or onigiri.
Vending machines. We were drawn to these like those little flying insects are drawn to light.
The buzz of the city and the frentic pace.
The food malls in departmental stores.
The shopping, even if it is window shopping.
Japan is one of the safest places to be (earthquakes not withstanding), making travelling just that little more enjoyable.
The fact that both of us love Japan and that we always want to go back there again. So many other places yet to be explored.
SQ flies the A380 to Tokyo!
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Did anyone else noticed?
Last night at about 11pm, there were sudden strong gusts of wind just outside our flat. The Husband and I were both in the study, with the air con switched on, since it has been a awfully hot day. I heard some noise and thought that the rain had came in suddenly.
We both looked out and saw the trees swaying pretty violently, with their leaves dropping and flying all over the place. For a moment it all seemed a little disconcerting and I was a little worried something worse will happen, like a typhoon or something, thanks to my very wild imagination. The moment only lasted seconds, and the next thing I did was ordered The Husband excitedly to grab the video camera. We are not born documentarians, so we didn't get anything that will show how strong the wind was last night. That and the fact that we are really lousy with the camera. So excited to witness such strong winds, we stood at the window for quite a while. The leaves looked amazing under the lights of the lamp posts.
We went out this morning for breakfast and my, the roads were filled will fallen leaves and broken branches. Some RC banners were all over the place too. I don't remember the last time in Singapore that the wind was this strong.
I told The Husband with a little smile, "this is just like in New Zealand!"
Last night at about 11pm, there were sudden strong gusts of wind just outside our flat. The Husband and I were both in the study, with the air con switched on, since it has been a awfully hot day. I heard some noise and thought that the rain had came in suddenly.
We both looked out and saw the trees swaying pretty violently, with their leaves dropping and flying all over the place. For a moment it all seemed a little disconcerting and I was a little worried something worse will happen, like a typhoon or something, thanks to my very wild imagination. The moment only lasted seconds, and the next thing I did was ordered The Husband excitedly to grab the video camera. We are not born documentarians, so we didn't get anything that will show how strong the wind was last night. That and the fact that we are really lousy with the camera. So excited to witness such strong winds, we stood at the window for quite a while. The leaves looked amazing under the lights of the lamp posts.
We went out this morning for breakfast and my, the roads were filled will fallen leaves and broken branches. Some RC banners were all over the place too. I don't remember the last time in Singapore that the wind was this strong.
I told The Husband with a little smile, "this is just like in New Zealand!"
Reasons to go to France
I always wanted to go back with my loved one after being there with friends.
Amazing museums.
Cafe is a french word, does that not say enough? The Husband LOVES LOVES cafes
You can hop to nearby countries in the rare event that you do not dig France. I must say, the chances of that happening is really rare.
Plenty of very nice car showrooms. There are some on Champ Elysee's, mostly French, think Mercedes Benz is there too.
Madeleines! Macaroons!
Plenty of yummy yummy cheeses.
Normandy has nice Ciders and Camembert , Champagne has the finest.. Champagne, Dijon has great mustard, Bordeaux and Burgundy are wine capitals and don't forget Loire Valley, Alsace and Cotes de Rhone.
Perfect for a babymoon! :)
Hermes, Chanel and Christian Lacroix!
24 hours Le Mans race in June.
Paris Motor Show in October. (sadly, it is a a little too late)
Amazing museums.
Cafe is a french word, does that not say enough? The Husband LOVES LOVES cafes
You can hop to nearby countries in the rare event that you do not dig France. I must say, the chances of that happening is really rare.
Plenty of very nice car showrooms. There are some on Champ Elysee's, mostly French, think Mercedes Benz is there too.
Madeleines! Macaroons!
Plenty of yummy yummy cheeses.
Normandy has nice Ciders and Camembert , Champagne has the finest.. Champagne, Dijon has great mustard, Bordeaux and Burgundy are wine capitals and don't forget Loire Valley, Alsace and Cotes de Rhone.
Perfect for a babymoon! :)
Hermes, Chanel and Christian Lacroix!
24 hours Le Mans race in June.
Paris Motor Show in October. (sadly, it is a a little too late)
Hair Cut
I cut my hair liao! Instantly feel a lot lighter. Now I just need to find someone to take it really short for me. Will I look weird with short hair in the near future or will it make me look fresher???
A lot of important decisions to make this year, a lot of fun ones to make too!
A lot of important decisions to make this year, a lot of fun ones to make too!
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
I Need a Haircut
I have dragged getting my haircut for 3 weeks already. Sigh, I better get it cut by this week. I am getting so lazy that I am beginning to hate myself.
We slept in on Sunday since we had late nights on both Friday and Saturday. We got up only near 1pm, so there goes our weekly Sunday Breakfast or Brunch, and went straight out for lunch instead.

The Husband had a smoked chicken pizza. Pretty yummy, though the pizza crust could be better if it was thinner.

Our very yummy SoMa Salad. I can't remember what SoMa stands for. There is rocket, grapefruit, peaches, blueberries, raspberries, walnuts and tomatoes with a tangy vinigrette. So healthy, that I didn't have any guilt wolfing down my burger after that.

My In-coming burger is inspired by the famous In-N-Out burger. This is pretty darn good, I wonder how good In-N-Out can be!

The Husband had a smoked chicken pizza. Pretty yummy, though the pizza crust could be better if it was thinner.

Our very yummy SoMa Salad. I can't remember what SoMa stands for. There is rocket, grapefruit, peaches, blueberries, raspberries, walnuts and tomatoes with a tangy vinigrette. So healthy, that I didn't have any guilt wolfing down my burger after that.

My In-coming burger is inspired by the famous In-N-Out burger. This is pretty darn good, I wonder how good In-N-Out can be!

Road Trippin'
Last Saturday my family and I went to JB for dinner, shopping and coffee! It was a breeze to get in and out, no queues at the second link at all! It was pretty fun and it is rare that most of us get together and have a outing like this one.

in-car beverages. Clear blue skies on the way to JB

I wonder why The Husband looked so mad.... Think because I was interrupting his dinner...

A very hearty dinner and very affordable too!

in-car beverages. Clear blue skies on the way to JB

I wonder why The Husband looked so mad.... Think because I was interrupting his dinner...

A very hearty dinner and very affordable too!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

is a decadent Indian lunch at our favourite Indian makan place. No better way to spend a weekend afternoon!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Muah Chee

This Muah Chee stall has been in Hougang since I was a kid. My family and I went for dinner nearby and told me mum I missed the muah chee there.
This muah chee is different from the others that I have eaten (mostly pasar malam ones) He uses his hands to pinch the dough instead of using a pair of scissors, and he dips each piece into onion oil before tossing it in ground peanut. The best muah chee ever. I do not eat other muah chee other than this stall's.
Now it is called famous muah chee. Last time, never see that sign before leh. I didn't know it is famous now.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Poke the Pirate

This toy is so retro. I do not know where my brother bought it.
Oh the Husband says we saw it in Action City, I don't remember seeing it leh.
We played a few rounds and soon got a little bored, maybe I so suay always lose, that is why boring. Still quite a bit of memories, but somehow I remember the toy being more well built. No brainer games are fun, like Hungry Hungry Hippos. That was heaps of fun!
Friday, 10 April 2009
Most of us forget about how much work is needed in relationships. Be it to your partners, spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents and friends
It is never about the amount of money you give to parents, or the things you buy for the people around you. It isn't about just going out with friends and have a good time.
The most important thing we can ever give to our loved ones is our health. What is the one thing that people want for their loves ones? Most often, it is for them to be in the pink of health and be happy. It pains me to see my loved ones in pain or if they are abusing their bodies by not taking good care of them.
The reason why I climb down Angkor Wat holding the rails on the side is because of my loved ones. I do not want anything to happen to me and then they have to worry. Especially when I am so far away. I do not need to prove anything or feel that I have achieve something that I can be proud of just by doing that. I didn't feel that I miss out on anything, even when my friends decide to come down without the help of the rails and feel a great sense of accomplishment, and I was the only one using them. I felt happier that I didn't, and that I did it for my loved ones back home.
When I was in my younger crazier days when I would party every weekend, there is always someone offering some kind of drugs, but I resisted. I was never tempted because I was never into that kind of stuff. It didn't matter to me that there were other people laughing at me, I knew where I stood and it felt good. A lot of those times, I thought of my family and how I couldn't let them down. Even far away when I backpacked Europe, I stayed far away from those stuff. The heartache is just not worth it. I know enough how those things can damage more than your health.
It is my responsibility as a wife, as a daughter, as a elder sister and as a dear friend, that I will take good care of myself. I have never always been as happy as I am presently. The Husband has got a lot to do with it. He is the one who has inspired me to be a better me, and for that I am very thankful (although I am still lacking in self belief lah) The past few years, I have grown a lot closer to my mother. When I was still living together, I would tell her what time I was coming back, I would call her to tell her if I wasn't coming home. I didn't stay out as late as I did before and I answer her calls. Something that I never always did. Yes, thinking back, I am so ashamed of myself, making her worry for nothing. SIGH. Having this responsibility has made me a happier too. I don't think I know how to explain it, but after after a while, it just have such a positive effect on me.
I hate for them, especially my parents to worry about me. It is time that they stop worrying and let me be the one doing all the worrying instead. I wonder what I have done is enough. I wonder if my loved ones still worry about me. One of my wishes is that nobody ever needs to worry about me and that they know that I am sensible enough to do the right thing all the time. Of course the most perfect scenario is that I do not need to worry at all for anyone!
These days, I choose to eat healthier, choosing whole grain over white bread. Using healthier oil, cooking healthier and including more fruits and greens. As much as I don't really exercise, and recently, I can't do much vigorous stuff so I try to walk as much as I can. Of course I still eat a lot of crap and junk. Hey, everything in moderation, even moderation itself!
As much as I fear losing loved ones, I want to be the one to outlive most of them. I want to be by their side when they go, telling them that it is alright, that if they need to go, they just have to go. Death, is still a hard pill to shallow. I still miss my dog, and every time when I want to get a new pet, a part of me says no. I can't cope if it dies on me again. It is just too sad.
It is never about the amount of money you give to parents, or the things you buy for the people around you. It isn't about just going out with friends and have a good time.
The most important thing we can ever give to our loved ones is our health. What is the one thing that people want for their loves ones? Most often, it is for them to be in the pink of health and be happy. It pains me to see my loved ones in pain or if they are abusing their bodies by not taking good care of them.
The reason why I climb down Angkor Wat holding the rails on the side is because of my loved ones. I do not want anything to happen to me and then they have to worry. Especially when I am so far away. I do not need to prove anything or feel that I have achieve something that I can be proud of just by doing that. I didn't feel that I miss out on anything, even when my friends decide to come down without the help of the rails and feel a great sense of accomplishment, and I was the only one using them. I felt happier that I didn't, and that I did it for my loved ones back home.
When I was in my younger crazier days when I would party every weekend, there is always someone offering some kind of drugs, but I resisted. I was never tempted because I was never into that kind of stuff. It didn't matter to me that there were other people laughing at me, I knew where I stood and it felt good. A lot of those times, I thought of my family and how I couldn't let them down. Even far away when I backpacked Europe, I stayed far away from those stuff. The heartache is just not worth it. I know enough how those things can damage more than your health.
It is my responsibility as a wife, as a daughter, as a elder sister and as a dear friend, that I will take good care of myself. I have never always been as happy as I am presently. The Husband has got a lot to do with it. He is the one who has inspired me to be a better me, and for that I am very thankful (although I am still lacking in self belief lah) The past few years, I have grown a lot closer to my mother. When I was still living together, I would tell her what time I was coming back, I would call her to tell her if I wasn't coming home. I didn't stay out as late as I did before and I answer her calls. Something that I never always did. Yes, thinking back, I am so ashamed of myself, making her worry for nothing. SIGH. Having this responsibility has made me a happier too. I don't think I know how to explain it, but after after a while, it just have such a positive effect on me.
I hate for them, especially my parents to worry about me. It is time that they stop worrying and let me be the one doing all the worrying instead. I wonder what I have done is enough. I wonder if my loved ones still worry about me. One of my wishes is that nobody ever needs to worry about me and that they know that I am sensible enough to do the right thing all the time. Of course the most perfect scenario is that I do not need to worry at all for anyone!
These days, I choose to eat healthier, choosing whole grain over white bread. Using healthier oil, cooking healthier and including more fruits and greens. As much as I don't really exercise, and recently, I can't do much vigorous stuff so I try to walk as much as I can. Of course I still eat a lot of crap and junk. Hey, everything in moderation, even moderation itself!
As much as I fear losing loved ones, I want to be the one to outlive most of them. I want to be by their side when they go, telling them that it is alright, that if they need to go, they just have to go. Death, is still a hard pill to shallow. I still miss my dog, and every time when I want to get a new pet, a part of me says no. I can't cope if it dies on me again. It is just too sad.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
Friday, 3 April 2009
Siow A
The Siow A is coming back from Melbourne for about 2 weeks. Highlight of April, apart from Mr Yap's birthday of course...
Can't wait to see him, I need to break the news to the guys!
Can't wait to see him, I need to break the news to the guys!
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