It started to rain after breakfast, thought the whale watch would be called off. Luck was on our side and whales we did spot. Was pretty exciting the first time, since I was one of the first on the boat to spot the first whale. We saw 2 whales, and caught the tails of another 2. So pretty fruitful! There were plenty of Albatrosses too! Facinating creatures they are, they can sleep during flight! So cool isn't it?

The waters can be pretty choppy, though it looks deceptively calm on shore. We both popped a sea sick pill each before hopping on the boat. We felt a little queasy in the middle of it. Seem to hit The Husband harder than it did the wife!

A sea sick husband.

We have a picnic basket packed for us for lunch, unfortunately, we did not get good picnic weather. There was a very light drizzle. We had a quick one on a park bench and proceeded onto the Peninsula Walk. The entire walk will take about 4 hours, we just did half of it. I love the rain, walking in the rain was an extra bonus. It was a little chilly when the wind blew, but I love it. There was supposed to be a seal colony at the end of the the walk, we didn't see any, we could smell them though. Certainly didn't smell too nice there.

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