Tuesday 1 January 2008

The New Year

This is a somewhat obligatory entry since I have nothing to really write about. Partly too, due to boredom since I am home alone on this New Year's Day since the husband has some work to do and I am too lazy to do anything too productive on the first day of the new year.

So, how was 2007?

I took up a third language, despite having not master any of the two that I already know.

I tried sewing and succeeded in using the sewing machine for the first time in my life. Right now, the only stuff that I know how to make are cushion covers and tote bags. Very amateur.... Let's not even start on my attempt at knitting, it is very embarrassing.

I have a new camera that I had fun playing around with. I still have to figure out tonnes and tonnes of stuff...

My cooking seems to be getting better.

So has my baking.

I went to Siem Reap and climb up Angkor Wat.

I went to Japan and had sushi in Tsukji.

I have just started on my path to enlightenment.

I have taken an interest in history. How surprising!

I have grown closer to some friends and I do appreciate the closeness.

I have grown apart from some friends, with reasons not clear to me. Perhaps people just grow apart.

I have been reading more. I am glad for that. Unemployment rules!

Martha Stewart is my new hero. Minus the Enron scam.

I have learnt to put my priorities right.

I have gave up buying fashion magazines. Okay, maybe just a couple.

All in all, the year's pretty decent. Nothing too depressing. That is how life should be -peaceful.

And what does the new year holds for me? Trips, hopefully. One with some of my closest mates. HCMC is a great excuse! A trip with my mum, aunt and brother.

More reading! Time to renew my Kinokuniya card. I am still deciding if I should renew my NatGeo subscription.
I am also trying to decide if I should continue with my Japanese lessons. What is holding me back is the lack of morning classes. All the classes seems to be in the late afternoon and evening. ARGH.

I want to start volunteering too, I would love to work with children again. Maybe I would even take up a course in understanding children with Special Needs, since it has always been my interest.

Of course, there is the question that I get all the bloody time. Maybe just the end of the year. It is just a matter of time.

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