They might be as old as me, since the day that I could remember, they have always been around. Some things stay with you forever. Memories are funny things. I wonder if we can choose to remember the good things and choose to forget others that we rather not be reminded of. But the harder we try at forgetting, the harder it is to do just that, since we are always reminding ourselves to forget what we want to forget precisely. Get what I am trying to say?
I remember there were coins, lighters and other odds and ends in the duck. We used the grandmother porcelain figure to hold chopsticks. These pieces are vintage okay! All the way from Whampoa Drive. I saved them from being dumped when I visited my aunt's place this evening. When I learnt that she threw away some other treasures, I nearly passed out. The hoarder in me jumped out and slapped her hard on her shoulders. What on earth motivated her to throw that fisherman into the dumpster? Did she not have any sentimental attachment to those things at all? Tsk tsk! She was lucky that she got away with just a little ticking off some my mum and me.

There are other things that I love to have, like these two little pumpkins sitting in my granny's room now. But I thought it is nice to have them there, my granny might like to have pretty things in her room too.
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